United we stand, divided we fall;
the Center for Arab-West Understanding and Global Forum for Media and Development
unite in fighting media biases
AWR, Cairo, December 22, 2014
This slogan applies to both countries and organizations. Egypt needs to be united to face the manifold problems it is facing.
On the same note the Center for Arab-West Understanding and the Global Forum for Media and Development (Egypt) decided to unite in fighting media biases that not only mislead receiving audiences but also create tensions in society.
Mona el-Saghir, Secretary-General of the GFMD attended a presentation of Cornelis (Kees) Hulsman about Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt at the Korean Christian Center. Mona el Saghir commented “Participants in Christian and Muslim dialogue should actively address the media and make a more creative use of the latest instruments of communication, such as the social media . This will extend the participation, and awareness of, dialogue.”
Mona el-Saghir, Nehad Refaat, Khaled Hassan and Cornelis Hulsman
sign our cooperation agreement
The GFMD also participated in a training the Center for Arab-West Understanding organized about better using the internet for search and research. Internet users' use of information available online on average does not exceed 5%. Mona el-Saghir wrote. “The highly useful techniques we acquired during this course will not stop here. Our Trainers of Trainers system will guarantee that this knowledge reaches a wide variety of beneficiaries. Such expansion of knowledge and skills will inevitably reflect on the quality of professional output of all participants, which is one of both parties' main objectives.”
On November 24 Mona el-Saghir, Cornelis Hulsman and Khaled Hassan of the Center for Arab-West Understanding visited Ambassador James Moran, head of the European Delegation in Cairo. The Ambassador appreciated that both organizations want to contribute to stability in Egypt. This is what Egypt is in need of as prerequisite for economic development.
The cooperation between the two organizations thus rapidly proof to be fruitful and we hope to be able to report in months and years to come about other activities we have carried out together. For a larger report with photos please read here.
Cornelis Hulsman
Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report