Full text: The US State Department's 2014 International Religious Freedoms Report stated improvements in the status of Christians in Egypt. "Under the interim and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi governments, there have been encouraging improvements in the status of Christians in Egypt," the report presented by State Secretary John Kerry read. "The new Egyptian constitution provides increased human rights protections as compared to the previous constitution, including a stipulation of equality before the law irrespective of religion," the report added.
"It also requires that parliament pass a new law facilitating the construction and renovation of Christian churches, which is without precedent, and provides for the establishment of an anti-discrimination commission to eliminate all forms of discrimination," it said.
"The June 30 Fact-Finding Committee, which was established by presidential decree in 2013 to investigate the post-June 2013 violence, released in November the executive summary of its report and ascribed responsibility for the attacks on churches to members of the Muslim Brotherhood," it added.
"President Sisi met with the leaders of the country’s major Christian groups to discuss their concerns," according to the report.
Cornelis Hulsman: Albawaba News, however, highlights the critique on Egypt in this report. See: http://www.arabwestreport.info/en/us-report-religious-freedom-criticizes...
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