.This comes at a time in which the Governorate of Minya in particular, has witnessed numerous cases of disappearing Coptic girls. 48 hours before the disappearance of Nadīyah Khalīl, an officer at the Mallawī police station received a complaint from 26-years-old Yūsuf ‘Atā Faraj that his 20-years-old wife Mariam Wahīb Shawqī was missing. The Arab Centre for Human Rights in Minya also received a complaint from Ishāq ‘Azīz 'Abd al-Majīd stating the absence of his 18-year-old daughter Nirmīn. She went missing en-route to her high school in Banī Mazār. There are more such similar cases, which seem to have increased in intensity since the beginning of this year.
The disappearance of Nadīyah comes at a time in which a state of uneasy calmness had returned to the St. George Church in Kom Ombo. The village witnessed a series of confrontations and violence after the disappearance of 36-year-old Sahar Tūnī. The case ended on Sunday, Mar. 3 when she was found in Sharm el-Sheikh. Before it became clear that Sahar had left due to a family dispute and moved to Sharm ek-Sheikh for work, rumours about her alleged conversion had led to sectarian clashes (Muhammad al-Zahrāwī and ‘Awad Salīm, al-Tahrīr, Mar. 5, p. 11). Read original text in Arabic.