A number of Copts from Sohag governorate have organised a standing outside the Office Building of the governorate, protesting the rise of kidnap cases among Copts. They are asking that President Muhammad Mursī protect them from thugs.
A number of Copts who have been kidnapped, but released in exchange for ransom money, participated in the protest. Also present were representatives of political forces and the Apr. 6 Movement. Protesters were saying that President Mursī is responsible for the chaos of security in the streets of their Governorate, threatening to organise a big protest at the level of the republic until he responds to their demands.
Until now, the security forces have not intervened in kidnap cases. Bishop Joseph of the Virgin Church in Sohag has demanded that serious and firm actions be taken by the security forces to put an end to the kidnapping of Copts (Hasan ‘Abd al-Qādir, al-Sabāh, Apr. 2, p.5). Read original text in Arabic.