Participants of a march in Damietta have condemned the latest incidents of sectarian strife in the city of al-Khusūs, as well as the violence that occurred in front of the Cathedral during the funeral of the victims of al-Khusūs clashes. Participants of the rally chanted slogans against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Muhammad Mursi (Mursī).
In the march, Copts and Muslims alike renounced violence and sectarian intolerance. They appealed to the people to address those who attempt to fuel discrimination among the people of Egypt. All the protesters hold President Mursī, the government and the Ministry of Interior responsible for what happened at al-Khusūs.
Participating in the march were members of the Youth Movement, Apr. 6 Movement, and the Constitution Party. Participants demanded the resignation of the Prosecutor General Tal’at ‘Abdullah and of the Minister of Interior Muhammad Ibrāhīm. According to Father Makārī Yūnān of the Greater St. Mark Church in Azbakīyah, such incidents are unprecedented in the history of Egypt. Father Yūnān added that security forces and the Ministry of Interior sponsored the attack of the St. Mark Cathedral and did little to stop the attacks. He added that attacks on churches are more frequent and that no one is ever held accountable (Zaynab al-Zughbī and Ahmad ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, al-Dustūr, Apr. 11, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.