The Muslim Brotherhood has released a report on the recent sectarian violence in al-Khusūs, which appears to lay much of the blame on Coptic Christians. The report claims that a Christian from the Alexander family started shooting randomly into the street, after local Christian children daubed the wall of an Azharian institution with offensive slogans. The report says that the local Imām ignited tensions when he called for local Muslims to participate in jihad against the local Christians, and to attack the house of the Alexander family. After attacking the house and destroying it, the report claims the mob marched toward the Saint George (Mār Jirjis) Church where local Christians had formed a protective barrier.The report also details masked gangs who attacked the Baptist Church, before attacking other Christian owned shops and pharmacies (Yūsuf Sha’bān, al-Tahrīr, Apr. 12, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.