Al-Yawm al-Sābi' learned that Pope Tawadros cut short his retreat after intensive contact with the presidency. Last Wednesday, Apr. 10, Pope Tawadros canceled his weekly sermon and announced that he would retreat to the Bishoy Monastery in objection to the regime’s dealing with the attacks at al-Khusūs and Saint Mark's Cathedral. This was cause for concern among political circles; especially after the Presidency received reports revealing that the Pope’s retreat had stirred up a response from American and European politicians, who expressed their concern for the situation of Copts in Egypt to President Morsi.
Al-Yawm al-Sābi' learned that the presidency had sent a delegation to the Pope asking him to reconsider his decision of retreat.
The speaker of the Shūrá Council, Ahmad Fahmī, was in contact with the Pope and stressed the President’s respect for the law and his eagerness for strong relations with the Church. The Council has promised to take all necessary actions to ensure adherence to the law.
Al-Yawm al-Sābi' also learned that Azhar Shaykh, Ahmad al-Tayyīb, played an instrumental role in the latest developments and was in constant contact with Pope Tawadros confirming the Azhar’s stance against sectarianism and his eagerness for overcoming intolerance.
The Pope met with victims’ families to offer his condolences. The families however, were waiting for the Pope to say something about holding those responsible accountable for their actions and something about the rights of the martyrs, but the Pope said nothing about this (Author not mentioned, al-Yawm al-Sābi', Apr. 16, p. 7). Read original text in Arabic.