Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II described June 30 as a second revolution in Egypt, saying that on June 30, 2012 the people chose a president by elections and a year later the Egyptian society, of which the Church is a part of, will express its opinion for a second time. He added that the Church involves itself with spiritual, not political affairs, therefore it has not influenced people's opinion on June 30 demonstrations in any way. Pope Tawadros continued by saying that one year as president is not enough but President Muhammad Mursi's (Mūrsī) administration has been turbulent, and the attack on the Church during his tenure have brought great shame upon the country. He stated that recent events may indicate that sectarian conflict is a possibility, however, Egyptian history suggests this is not going to happen ('Abd al-Wahāb al-Jindī, al-Yawm al-Sābi', Jun. 19, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.