Since the Egyptian people ousted Muhammad Morsi (Mursī), violent clashes erupted in several governorates in Egypt, targeting certain sects of the Egyptian people, among them are Christians. Christians were terrorized in both villages of Diljā in Dayr Mawās Township of al-Minya Governorate and al-Dab'īyyah village of Luxor governorate, where a number of Christians have been killed, in addition to another incident, where a Coptic Orthodox Priest called Father Mīnā was murdered in al-'Arīsh.
Father Mīnā’s funeral was scheduled to be on July 7 at Saint George (Mār Jirjis) Church in Heliopolis but was postponed for security reasons. Instead, the funeral will take place at Archangel Church in Sheraton on July 8. The body has now been placed in Heliopolis Hospital, after its air transportation had been conducted by the military.
In Diljā village, Coptic Catholic Reverend Ayūb Yūsuf of Saint George Church in the village said that Christians are living in fear since the eruption of violence against them by followers of Morsi and the MB group (Peter Majdī, al-Tahrīr, July 8, p. 5). The article has no link online.