Coptic Catholic Patriarch Cardinal Ibrāhīm Ishāq Sīdrāk expressed his persuasion that it is impossible to apply in Egypt the secular model adopted by countries located beyond the Alps.
According to the Italian News Agency (AKI), he also expressed his hope for the new government to include in the new body of laws the equal rights for all the citizens, bearing in mind that Egypt is a country controlled by religion, whereas most of its citizens are Muslims and Orthodox Copts.
The Catholic Patriarch said that deposing the former President Muhammad Mursī is something between a coup and second revolution, pointing out that the army did not take over power, but simply responded to citizens’ call for help who wanted change. He concluded saying that unlike Syria, the Armed Forces in Egypt are with the people (Ahmad al-Badawī Muhammad, al-Fath, July 26, p. 2). The article has no link online.