In Daljā village security forces were forced to evacuate the police station, in front of which the deposed president's supporters now stand daily. On more than one occasion, the protesters blocked the intervention of police, and plan on demonstrating until their request for Morsi's return is met. The Brotherhood purposely chose this village to be the gathering point of its supporters and the starting point of all pro-Morsi marches because of the votes the organization received from it during the parliamentary elections, granting it victory in southern Minya.
Daljā is inhabited by 120,000 people, of which 15,000 are Copts whose lives have become hell after the president’s deposal, due to the provocations and harassment they face in streets, scaring them to the extent that they avoid praying in churches for fear of being harmed.
Nonetheless, before last Friday, August 30th (named by the Brotherhood “Decisive Friday”), a high number of Muslims villagers held meetings to organize themselves for protecting Copts’ property and churches (Islām Fahmī, al-Watan, Sep. 2, p. 7). Read original text in Arabic.