Coptic movements announced their participation in the second anniversary for the January 25 Revolution by staging a March from Shubrā to Tahrir Square.
Andrawous ‘Uwaydah, member of Maspero Youth Union, said that [the Union] will participate in the protests demanding the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood and the rule of their Supreme Guide (Murshid) Dr. Muhammad Badī’.
‘Uwaydah added that the Union is coordinating with the National Salvation Front and different political powers to confront the MB’s goal to Brotherhoodizing the country and taking control over it.
However, the Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis (Munīr Hannā Anīs), Dr. Bishop of the Diocese of Egypt for North Africa and the Horn Africa, called on protesters to avoid violence.
Coptic Orthodox Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah said that the Church will not engage in politics and will leave it to its people to decide whether or not to participate in the protests.
Father Rafīq Greish, spokesperson of the Coptic Catholic Church, said that the Church will not direct its people because after the Revolution they know what to do and they do not need to be instructed (Mājī Jamāl and Rānyā Nabīl, al-Sabāh, January 25, p. 4). Read original text in Arabic