On the June 30, the European Parliament convened the largest hearing session in its history based on the request of the Coptic Diaspora. They requested this session to present the ‘real’ picture of the Revolution as well as the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood. This was attended by a group of Coptic residents as well as the heads of Coptic Unions and organizations in Europe including the heads of the Coptic organizations unions in Germany, Austria, the UK, and Switzerland. They presented to the members of the European Parliament videos and pictures illustrating the developments in Egypt since Muhammad Morsi (Mursī)’s rise to power. They also presented the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and the crimes that they have committed against the Egyptian people and the demanded the parliament to list it as a terrorist organization. They requested political, economic and technical assistance of Egypt from Europe (Husnī Mīlād and Marco ‘Ādil, al-Akhbār, Oct. 5). Read the original text in Arabic.