Leader of the NSF, Dr. Wahīd ‘Abd al-Majīd revealed that the Front is preparing to form a “People’s Parliament” to challenge the legislative policies for the upcoming parliamentary election. The upcoming elections have been described as “invalid” because it will be a parliament in favor of one faction only. Al-Majīd has said they are aware that a great deal of legislation of the next Parliament will ravage the rights and freedoms of the poor. It will not reflect the interests of the nation as much as it will reflect the interest of a particular faction.
Meanwhile, NSF youth is initiating an extensive public campaign called, “Invalid… Boycott Them” in order to make citizens aware of the reasons behind the parties’ decision to boycott the elections.
A number of former Coptic representatives and Coptic figures have decided to launch a campaign to boycott the elections. Among the most prominent are: Ihāb Ramzī, John Tal’at, George Isaac, Rafīq Iskandar, Margarette ‘Azir, Georgette Qallīnī, and ‘Imād Jād (Imām Ahmad, Muhammad ‘Imārah, Mustafá Rahūmah, and Ahmad Ghunaym, al-Watan, March 4, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.