The Maspero Youth Union, a Coptic movement, said that it will not speak out in favor of a presidential candidate until the Supreme Presidential Electoral Commission has officially announced the final candidate list. The movement assured that its members are free to support any of the presidential candidates, with the exception of General Sāmy ‘Anān, Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā and ‘Abd al-Mun’im Abū al-Futūh (the last two both Islamists).
Rāmī Kāmil, founder of the (Coptic) Maspero Youth Foundation for Development and Human Rights and Rev. Safwat al-Bayādī, head of the Evangelical community in Egypt, stated they consider the candidacy of Hamdīn Sabāhī a good thing, pointing out that the presence of more than one candidate will give the elections a more democratic character. Al-Bayādī, however, denied that the Coptic Evangelical Churches support a particular candidate, saying that every individual should be free to decide who he wants to vote for. On the Catholic side, Bishop Yuhanna Qulta, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church, said that those who want to boycott the elections should realize that a lot of votes will go to Field Marshal al-Sīsī, as he is considered the people’s favorite candidate. With regards to the methods used to campaign, The Egyptian Union for Human Rights Center denounced all attempts to “sanctify” certain candidates – by, for example, comparing them to prophets – saying that it undermines the pillars of the modern constitutional state. The center condemned the exploitation of religious sentiments of the ordinary people, adding that these hypocritical campaigns do not meet the standards of human rights, equality and democracy (‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, Feb. 15, p. 5). Read original text in Arabic.