Displaying 1101 - 1110 of 5776.
The Egyptian political thinker, Dr. Mustafa al-Feqi, said that the new Suez Canal is an integrated national project that marks the beginning for new investments, stressing that the new channel will yield economic productivity as well as political and military profit. However, al-Feqi added, a...
In a statement exclusively disclosed to Al-Sharq al-Awsat (MENA), the governor of Marsa Matrūh, `Alā' Abu-Zaid said, that the Egyptian-Libyan borders are completely secure, and that Egyptian forces are prepared to face any attempted breach of the borders, IS is not present in any part of western...
The program’s presenter Rīm Māgid commented that the station’s administration had informed her that the program was being stopped on the request of “ruling officials.” However, ONtv has released a statement explaining that the program has not been banned but delayed. The Arabic Network for Human...
An Egyptian court sent Mursī’s case to the Grand Mufti for a final review after it sentenced the deposed president to death. The decision was met with wide international criticism; many foreign observers believe the verdict to be of a political rather than legal nature. An anonymous source within...
An Egyptian court sent Mursī’s case to the Grand Mufti for a final review after it sentenced the deposed president to death. The decision was met with wide international criticism; many foreign observers believe the verdict to be of a political rather than legal nature. An anonymous source within...
The American Jamestown institute issues a report on terrorism in Egypt during the last four years. It applauds the Egyptian military and Sīsī for deposing the government of Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mursī calling the coup “a return to the path to democracy for Egypt.” The report found the closing...
Egyptian Poet Fārūq Jawīda wrote an article for al-Ahrām in which he severely criticizes the present state of Egyptian media. He accused the media of promoting deceit, immorality and lewdness. Jawīda demanded the government to take immediate action and issue media legislation which would put...
The British newspaper, the Times, released a report on the Muslim Brotherhood which concluded that the organization has made a dramatic return to the Egyptian political scene. According to the newspaper, many young people have joined the Brotherhood since its fall during the military coup. A leader...
Former President Muhammad Morsi, as well as more than 100 others, received the death sentence for escaping prison during the 25 of January Revolution in 2011. The decision came after rapid mass trials which the United Nations described as “unprecedented in modern history.” Amnesty International...
Doctor Sālih Fawzī, the President of the Education Legislature, reported that the legislature is still considering a proposal detailing legal actions against members of the National Human Rights Council. In a press conference, Fawzī explained that there are two different points of view on the...


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