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The Interview Documentation Project
Interviews with Islamist Movements (2013)
Siwa Sustainable Water Management Conference (2017)
Summer Schools
Summer Webinar (September 2020)
Summer Webinar (June 2020)
CAWU-Anglican Diocese Summer School (2019)
Dr. Tarek Mansour: Muslim-Christian relations in the Middle East
Interview: Cornelis Hulsman, Omar Nahla, and Father Joannis
Interview: Cornelis Hulsman, Omar Nahla, and Father Joannis
Moving Forward together: Muslims and Christians together in the Egyptian society.
Richard Gauvain: Salafism and al-Radd
SGP Summer School 2019 Executive Summary
Selected Photos and Student Testimonials
Sufism, Muslim-Christian dialogue, Muslim experience in the USA
CAWU-SEKEM Summer School (2019)
Intercultural Dialogue for Sustainable Development
Heliopolis Summer School (2018)
Journey to the Christian-Spiritual Heritage of Egypt (2019)
Refugee Leadership Training Project (2020-2021)
Refugee Education Egypt (2022)
Refugee Students about their Dreams in Egypt that Need Education
The Dreams of Congolese Refugee Victoria (18)
The Dreams of Ethiopian Refugee Senae Megersa (15)
The Dreams of Refugee Khadija (24)
Eritrean Refugee Jacob’s Frustrations about Poor Information Provided to Refugees
Meeting With Three Students From The CAWU Learning Center; Simona, Diana, Victoria, Their Teacher Leila And Friend Simone
Interview With Eritrean CAWU-Learning Center Student Edna (16)
Focus Group with Senior Students in Innovation Academy Learning Center
CAWU’s Refugee Student Diana Ressom (19) about her Escape to Egypt and Life in Egypt
Essays written by refugee students at the CAWU Learning Center
Informal conversation with CAWU Learning Center students Diana and Lydia
Informal conversation with Matariya Adventist school student Asha
Refugee Students at Universities
Meeting Three South Sudanese Refugee Students at Cairo University
Child Protection and Gangs
Interview with Jok Marko, Coordinator of the Youth Project in PSTIC
Refugee Education Activist
Interview with South Sudanese Activist Ann Lado about Refugee Education
Refugee Learning Centers in Egypt
Interview with Izz, Intern at StARS Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Chris Rupke, Principal African Hope Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Father Claude, St. Joseph Eritrean Learning Center
Interview with John Manassie, Nile Academy Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Albino, Wadi El Nil Learning Center
Interview with Answer Boutros And James Natalie, Director and Principal of The Sakakini School for Refugees:
Interview with Alfred Nadu Of Great Equatoria Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Silvia Gore, Director Innovation Academy
Interview with Kejiel Matiok Akec Tinke, Director of Little Step
Interview with Nichola Kenybo, Principal of El-Matariya Adventist Sudanese Learning Center
Interview with Simon Tongnyiik from Al-Shorouk Learning Center
Interview with Silvio Amum, Director of Knowledge Educational Center, Al-Marafa
Interview with Yassir Abdela at Faisal Center for Sudanese Education, English Department, Al.Tagsim Al-Tani Branch
Interview with Abduselam Abdella, Director of Faisal Sudanese School English Department at Kafr Thazmos Branch
Interview with Fiona Cameron, Former Educational Director of StARS
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Interview with Amira Salima, Educational Officer at The Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
South Sudanese Embassy (Egypt)
Interview with Envy Baptist, The Secretary of Cultural and Educational Attache Department at The South-Sudanese Embassy in Cairo
List of books citations used in AWR-Articles
(Click on term to display relevant articles)
" al-Qiddīs Athanasius fī Muwajahat al -Taʿlīm al-Dīnī Ghayr al-Masīhī" [Saint Athanasius Facing the non- Orthodox Catechism]
" The Crisis of Publishing and Expression in Egypt: Cultural, Legal and Administrative Restrictions" (January 2007)
"Al- Masīhīyah Al-Siyāsīyah" (Political Christianity)
"al-Imām wa al-Bābā wa al-Ṭarīq al-Ṣaʿab…Shihāda ʿalā Wathīqat al-Ikhwa al-Insāniyya" - (The Pope and the Grand Imam: A Thorny Path... A Testimony to the Birth of Human Fraternity)
"Al-Masīhīyah wa al-Harb...Qiṣṣat al-Uṣūlīyah al-ṣuhyūnīyah al-Amrīkīyah wa al-Sirāʿ ʿalā al-Sharq al-Islāmī" (Christianity and War: American Zionism’s- Fundamentalism and the Conflict against the Islamic East)
"al-Ṭarīq" [The Road]
"al-Tawrāh, al-Injīl, wa al-Qurʾān, Thalāthat Kutub, wa Madīnatān, Qiṣa Wāḥida" - The Torah, the Gospel and the Qur’an. Three Books, Two Cities, One Tale (2013)
"al-Urthūdhuksīyyah al-Sharqīyah, Tāriq al-Ḥayāh" (Oriental Orthodoxy, the Way of Life)
"An Introduction to Occidentalism"
"Approaching Christianity in the Egyptian Media and Educational Curriculums", “Freedom of Opinion and Expression, and Religions", Cairo Center for Human Rights
"Cairo: A Transit City for Migrants and African Refugees,Colloque: Circulations migratoireset reconfigurations territoriales entre l’Afrique noire etl’Afrique du Nord"
"Christian Egypt; Coptic Art and Monuments Through Two Millennia
"Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam"
"Christianity in the Arab World"
"Commandments on Loving Women" (Waṣīyah fi ʿIshq al-Nisāʾ)
"Copts and Moslems under British Control"
"Fiqh al-Muqāwama al-Shaʿabiyya" (The Jurisprudence of Popular Resistance)
"From Islamophobia to Islamistophobia: “Framing Islamic Movements in Egyptian Newspapers after the January 25th Revolution.”
"Fursān Taḥt Rāyat al-Nabī (Knights under the Flag of the Prophet)"
"Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on War and Peace in Western and Islamic Traditions: Just War and Jihad"
"In the Footsteps of Inayat El Zayat" [Fī Athar ʿInāyāt al-Zayāt]
"Irregular migration from Africa to Europe: Questioning the transit hypothesis"
"Islam in Digital Age: E-jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments"
"Kitab al-Qiyan" [Book of the Singing Girls]
"La Yaḥillu Lak" [You Don't Have the Right To]
"l’Egypte : souvenirs bibliques et cretiens"
"Mayyizāt al-Nahdah" [Privileges of the Development]
"Naqd Dustūr 1971 wa al-Daʿwah li-Dustūr Jadīd" (Criticizing the Constitution of 1971 and the Call for a New Constitution)
"Nidā' al- Maḥabbah" [Love Call]
"Religious Custody on Publishing," "Religions, and the Freedom of Expression: The Controversy of Freedom in Various Communities," Cairo Center for Human Rights
"Religious Custody on Publishing,,Religions, and the Freedom of Expression: The Controversy of Freedom in Various Communities," Cairo Center for Human Rights
"Research on the Function of the Mosque in Contemporary Society"
"Syrian Refugees in Egypt: Challenges of a Politically Changing Environment"
"The Lost Sheep. How it Can Get Lost"
"The Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians" [1923]
"The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
"The Qurʾan and Hermeneutics: Reading the Qurʾan’s Opposition to Patriarchy"
"The Secret Civilian Occupation Plan of January 25 and the U.S.’ Marines"
"What perspectives for Islam & Muslims in Europe" (European Study)
"Who are the Copts" [1958]
"World Christian Encyclopedia of 1982"
"ʾUṣūl al-Sharīʿah [The Roots of Islamic Law]"
'Al-Ijtihād Darūrah Qawmīyah wa al-Ictiqād Darūrah cIlmīyah' [Abortion is a National Necessity and Belief is Scientific Necessity]
'Al-Imān wa al-Isrā' wa al-Micrāj
'Hadhā Qur'ānī' ['This is my Qur'ān']
'Zawāj al-Mutcah al-Halal bayna al-dīn wa al-Tatawwur wa al-Qāanūn
(Women and Sex)
- Benite, Zvi Ben-Dor""Nine years in Egypt": Al-Azhar University and the Arabization of Chinese Islam."
- Benite, Zvi Ben-Dor. "From ‘Literati’ to ‘Ulama’: The Origins of Chinese Muslim Nationalist Historiography
- Chen, John T. "Re-Orientation: The Chinese Azharites between Umma and Third World, 1938-55."
- Drewes, Frauke. "Chinese Muslims Going Global? The Role of Islam in Current Sino-Arab Relations."
- Gladney, Dru C. Muslim Chinese: ethnic nationalism in the People's Republic.
- Gladney, Dru. Dislocating China: Muslims, minorities, and other subaltern subjects.
20 Politiske Filosofe
A Basic Dictionary of Islam
A Door to the Desert
A History of God
A History of Science
A Journey Through the World of Militant Islam
A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue
A Night Talk with Heaven
A People Betrayed: The Impact of Islamization on the Christian Community in Pakistan
A Stranger in a Strange land
A Sufi Reading of the Gospel of John
A Sword Over the Nile by Adel Guindy
Abī Ādam: Qiṣṣat al-Khalīqah bayna al-Usṭūrah wa-al-Ḥaqīqah
Abnā’ al-Khaṭa’ al-Rūmānsī
Abraham und die Kinder seines Bundes mit Gott
Abraham’s Vision for Children
Abūnā Qanawātī: Mishwār al-‘Umr
Across the Centuries
Admatius al-Almāsī
Afkār Masīḥiyyah Gharbiyyah Khilāl ‘Ishrīn Qarnan
Āh Yā Ghajar, Risālah Ilā Naṣārā al-Mahjar
Ahl al-Kahf
Aḥad ‘Ashara Kawkaban
Aḥkām Ahl al-Dhimmah
Aḥlām Muḥarramah
Aḥwāl al-Mar'ah fī al-Islām
Akhbār Sayi'ah min Isrā'īl
Akhṭar Sanawāt al-'Ārḍ
al –Difinār
al-Adyān wa Ḥuriyyat al-Ta‘bīr, Ishkāliyyat...
al-Aḥkām al-Sulṭāniyyah wa-al-Wilayāt al-Dīniyyah
al-Akādhīb al-Ṣihyūniyyah min Bidāyat al-Istīṭān hattā Intifāḍat al-Aqṣā
al-Akhbār al-Saniyyah fī al-Hīurāb al-Ṣalībiyyah
al-Amthāl fī al-Qur'ān
al-Ān ... Hunā
al-Anbā Maximus wa Ru’yah Jadīdah li-al-Islāḥ
al-Anbiyā' fī al-Qur'ān al-Karīm
al-Aqbāṭ wa-al-Qawmiyyah al-‘Arabiyyah
التالية ◂
الأخيرة ◂◂
مارس 02,2025 |
Media expert Ibrāhīm ʿĪsa says Ikhwān are exploiting Gaza events for their political positioning in Egypt
مارس 02,2025 |
Archbishop of Jerusalem: Peace cannot be the same as surrender
New Essays on Dialogue and Islamic Ethics
Christians in Syria - Christmas in Palestine
Interview with Fady Ghaṭṭās on the Alexandria School and Christian Publishing in Egypt
The 2024 Naguib Mahfouz Prize - The Dār al-Iftāʾ combats extremism
Recent Intern Publications on Developments in Europe
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