Displaying 121 - 130 of 5760.
In the United States, "dramatic" shifts and changes in American society and politics are affecting Jewish Americans and Israel, according to a study published by the National Security Research Institute at Tel Aviv University last week.
Egyptian women experience different kinds of violence and recently the violations against female human rights activists and women’s rights defenders have increased. According to the organisation, Nazra for Feminist Studies, the violations against women in Egypt are increasing. These violations...
On Monday an Egyptian court ruled in favour of Hudā Naṣr Allāh, a lawyer who had demanded to inherit the same share as her brothers. This historic ruling was praised by many human rights defenders, Copts and women. The human rights lawyer Hudā Naṣr Allāh wrote on her Facebook page, “Finally a...
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) condemned the involvement of security forces in closing the church of St. Karas the Tourist [al-Anbā Kārās al-Sāʾiḥ] in the village of Najaʿa al-Ghafīr in the Sūhāj governorate in southern Egypt, calling for the reopening of all the closed churches...
An official declaration about the White House’s will of labelling the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization has raised widespread fear and criticism both in the US and in the international arena. On Tuesday, Sarah Sanders, the Presidential Press Secretary, said that Donald Trump...
Danny Danon, Israel’s UN representative, has called the New York Times to punish for the publication of an "anti-Semitic" cartoon, despite formal apologies from the newspaper and the drawing’s removal from NYT web-site. The political cartoon was published last Thursday in the international print...
Usāma Aḥmad Aḥmad Murād, a former prisoner of Ṭurah Prison, was driven to suicide on Monday morning after facing bad treatment at the hands of the prison administration. A tweet published on Monday morning by Egyptian journalist ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ʿAyyāsh revealed the detainee had committed suicide not...
In a clear message of rejection of the Saudi-Emirati-Egyptian intervention, activists on social networking sites posted a picture of youths at a sit-in around the Sudanese army general headquarters holding banners saying "No to Emirate-Saudi-Egyptian interference. No to support from Saudi Arabia...
The NGO International-Lawyers.Org condemned Egyptian authorities for forbidding one of its members from attending the forty-sixth session of the African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights held in Sharm al-Shaykh between 24 April and 14 May.
Recently released political activist, ʿAlāʾ ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ, announced on Wednesday that he had gone to the National Council for Human Rights to complain about the inflexibility of carrying out the punishment of police observation.


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