Displaying 1291 - 1300 of 5770.
Oxford university professor Ṭāriq Ramadān was interviewed by DW to discuss raising Islamic radicalism and contemporary problems of Muslims in Europe. Ramadān thinks that the problem is in Muslims themselves and the way they market their religion and leave it for radicals to hijack and claim for...
Ministry of Education in Egypt decided to eliminate stories of ʿOqba bin Nāfiʿ and Saladin, two Islamic historical characters from Arabic language texts. The ministry spokesperson said “the stories could be misunderstood and used to promote violence”. The decision is part of the ministry’s plan of...
The cases of 22 of pro- Mursī protesters were transferred to the grand Mufti, they are facing the death penalty based on accusations of attacking a police station. Among other accusations the 22 men are accused of “using weapons without license, violence against police, and first degree murder”.  ...
The Iraqi ministry of foreign affairs requested to meet the Egyptian ambassador in Baghdad in order to express the objection of the Iraqi government to the comments of Al-Azhar’s Imam Ahmad al-Tayyib where he described the pro-government forces in Iraq as “sectarian Shīʿī militias” Read more here...
According to a statement issued by the office of the Attorney General’s office “the Muslim Brotherhood group is responsible for the Air Defence stadium massacre because they financed the Ultras Zamalek FC or the “White knights””. The statement added “the MB used their relationship with some leaders...
According to the Egyptian government investigation, “the Muslim Brotherhood used the relationship between some of its members with Ultras Zamalek FC to provoke and finance violence”. The government repor added that the suspects admitted their involvement in the acts of violence and their resistance...
Today, the Orthodox Church celebrates, the third memorial of  Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria. Najīb Jibraʿīl director of the Egyptian federation for human rights said that Shenoda was a “national figure, a safety valve against sectarianism”. ”He was a nationalist, he refused to visit any Israeli...
Dr. Muhammad Mokhtār Jomʿa, the Minister of Religious Endowments , Al-awqāf, will be leading the Friday prayers in Salam Mosque in Sharm Al-Shaykh. The Friday sermon that will have a unified script and will be distributed all over the Egypt will focus on issues such as “the role of businessmen in...
Cairo Criminal Court issued 22 death sentences against 22 members and leaders of the Muslims Brotherhood, among them the supreme guide Muhammad Badīʿ. Badīʿ was charged in two different cases; worth mentioning is that according to the Egyptian law, the court’s decision is not final until it is...
Several NGOs and individuals from Egypt and abroad signed a statement urging the Egyptian government to release 30 refugees on food strike to protest the treatment of the Egyptian police. 


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