Displaying 2771 - 2780 of 5762.
Sulaymān comments on a recent controversy stirred by proclamations that the various names of God should be revised.
Mustafá asked Muhammad Hidāyah [preacher and university professor] for his opinion of fatwás on TV. He also discusses why he is against the 99 names of God, the ruling of banks as harām, and the seeking of blessings through the prophet’s belongings.
Al-Fajr reports on the disappearance of Father Marqus ‘Azīz.
Members of the Islamic Research Center agree to ban Jamāl al-Bannā’s new book about the hijāb.
A Pakistani government official says the attack is the result of anger in the Islamic world at the publication of the offensive Danish cartoons published in September 2005, warning such attacks show the Tālibān is still strong.
Dr. Tharwat Qādis talks about the salary increase for Anglican priests.
The article reports on Pope Shenouda’s tour of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada.
The president of the Protestant Church in Algeria demands the cancellation of the law regulating religious practices.
A review of Dr. Muhammad Salīm al-‘Awā’s book about circumcision for girls.
The Coptic Orthodox Church has objected to the publication of a novel that it says contradicts Christian doctrine.


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