Displaying 3061 - 3070 of 5771.
Jordanian Crown Prince Hamza Bin Al-Hussain called upon Muslim societies to renounce violence and extremism. He stressed that dialogue and openness to the outside world is the only way to correct the false image of Islam. Prince Hamza made these statements at the inauguration of the forum of the...
Transcribed by: Susan Richards-BensonThe following present a transcript of an interview with Tarek Heggy. Heggy discusses a number of issues, centered around his controversial article ‘If I were a Copt.’ He comments on current events in Egypt and the Arab world, and present his opinion on issues...
Sahar Diyā’ al-Dīn interviews Dr. Walīd ‘Abd al-Nasir, head of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and discusses a number of issues including the September 11 attacks.
The author examines the case of Dr Nasrallah Mohamed al-Baraada, a university professor who was suspended as a result of a controversial book he authored.
Although he apologized for releasing a Fatwá recommending that adult males be breastfed by their female co-workers, the Azhar decided to refer Dr. ‘Izzat ‘Atiyyah to a disciplinary committee.
The author investigates an incident in Iraq, where a Fatwá was issued to the Assyrian Christian residents in a suburb of Baghdad, to convert to Islam or face death. He reviews the responses to the crisis, and provides his own perspective on the issue.
The group “Egyptians against Discrimination” signed a paper calling on the Egyptian government to decree laws that guarantee the freedom of creed for all Egyptians.
The report of the State Council’s deputies recommended rejecting the appeal of Hābīl Tawfīq who asked for his invented fractioned denomination to be recognized.
A project to collect the full version of the manuscript first found in Saint Catherine’s Monastery in Sinai. Well informed sources in the project expect to have the project complete and posted on the internet by 2009.
The State Security office refuses to execute a ruling to allow a Muslim born child to join her Coptic mother. The author writes about compliance between the minister of interior and the state security.


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