Displaying 3551 - 3560 of 5775.
The article asserts the need for spreading sex education among youths through the church and priests, highlighting the importance of this issue to the success of any marriage.
With the blessings of Pope Benedict XVI, Bishop Antonius Najīb has been ordained as patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt, succeeding Cardinal Stephanos II Ghattās who resigned for health reasons.
Al-Fajr newspaper is tackling the issue of imprisonment law, asserting that the old law is better than the new one and any change the government makes will be for the worse.
School curricula focusing on the strong relationship between Muslims and Christians in Egypt are on the cards.
The court transfers the custody of children from a Christian mother to her husband who converted to Islam.
Egyptian Rabi‘ ‘UthmaЃn, known as Muhammad al-MasriЃ, is suspected of involvement in planning the Madrid train bombs in 2004
The governmnet seeks to thwart the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to publish newspapers promoting their political platform.
A letter published by Rose al-Yousuf and sent by one of the young men who joined ‘Amr Khālid’s Sunnā‘ al-Hayāh casts doubt on the well-known preacher’s integrity.
The speaker of the Italian Senate, Marcello Pera has launched a train called “The West Express” with the aim of warning Christian Europe against what he describes as the Islamic threat.
Tareef Al- Khalidi’s book "The Muslim Christ" points out the image of Jesus Christ in the Arabic-Islamic tradition. It aims to bring down the Western stereotypical perception of Islam that believes in an enmity between Islam and Christianity and accordingly a hostile attitude on the part of...


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