Displaying 3751 - 3760 of 5775.
Major Islamic organizations in the United States boycotted the iftar dinner at the White House in protest of the American president´s negligence of issues of the Muslim community in the US.
broadcasting the series “Al-Shatat” [Diaspora] aired by Hizbullah´s Al-Manar [Lighthouse] Channel. The series discusses the Zionist conspiracy to establish a Jewish empire to control the world.
Under the pretext that it is anti-semitic, Washington criticized the TV serial “Al-Shataat” [Diaspora] aired by Al-Manar TV, [which is] affiliated with Hizbullah, during Ramadan. Spokesman for the US Department of State mentioned that his country strongly objects to any expression of anti-Semitism...
The Union of Islamic Universities prepares new curricula for human and social sciences from an Islamic perspective. A committee was formed in the union for this regard.
The article provides some questions and their answers published in the book of “Nahr Al-Zikrayat” [The river of memories] by leaders of the Gama’a Al-Islamiya. In a previous article, nine questions and their answers were published. The questions published in the book were directed to leaders of the...
The US Administration accused religious schools in many Arab and Islamic countries of promoting terrorist ideas and graduating generations of terrorists. Acquainted sources in Washington said that the Secretary of Defense and his deputy have lately raised a very sensitive issue, which is whether...
The article concerns secret government parliamentary consultations to include provisions banning the establishment of private TV stations in the law of ‘incentives and guarantees of investment.’ There are fears that fundamentalist movements or opposition parties would seek to establish private TV...
The Misdemeanor Court of Old Cairo will start tomorrow [October 27] the trail of Habeel Sa’id Tawfiq. The first instance court sentenced him to one year in jail for charges of intimidation and making death threats. Some months ago, Tawfiq claimed that a foreign organization appointed him as...
The article discusses the Islamic attitude vis-à-vis war and violence. He writes that Islam does not call for violence. Islam was not revealed in order to eliminate kufar [plural of kafir, meaning an infidel or an unbeliever] but to get rid of kufr [infidelity and unbelief] among people--therefore...
The American ambassador in Cairo, David Welch, launched a new attack on the Egyptian press, accusing it of aggressiveness, violating ethic conduct and carrying out criticism that is not based on facts. He believes the Egyptian press criticizes American policy based on false information.


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