Displaying 4231 - 4240 of 5775.
The author reports about the opionions of Christian Coptic girls on getting married to men who are candidates for priesthood. The author explains that a priest’s wife should have special qualifications due to the nature of her husband’s position.
The author reports about the week of prayer, organized by the Middle East Council of Churches, to bring together all Christians from different churches and denominations in Egypt.
The author notes the opinions of some of the pope’s favored candidates for al-Majlis al-Mīllī. Their comments pertain to the status, purpose and future of the secular-based Coptic council.
This news reports about the complaint Father Rafīq Jārsh, head of the press office of Catholic Church, made to al-Ahrām’s editor-in-chief over Dr. Zaghloul al-Najār’s misinterpretation of a biblical term.
The author publishes the text of the resignation Dr. Sālim Ahmad Salām, a professor of medicine at al-Minya University, who resigned in protest over religious persecution practiced against a Christian researcher at the university.
A recent research paper on "The Image of the Prophet Muhammad in German Protestant Missionary Literature" by academic Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al-Hakīm Ahmad Lāshīn has shown a direct link between Islam and the prophet in most European writings.
This articles discusses Father Basyt Abu al-Khayr’s book, which he wrote in response to Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code.
A fuss has been recently made over the Islamic Research Academy’s decision to approve Pepsi, which was protested by a Muslim scholar.
The article discusses a study by an Egyptian researcher about the problems facing Muslim minorities and how poor translation of Muslim terminology has helped draw an untrue image of Islam.
A Portuguese cartoonist has applied for a contest, organized by Iranian newspaper Hamshahri, to draw the Holocaust, in reply to Danish cartoons, considered by many to be anti-Islamic.


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