Displaying 431 - 440 of 5776.
Pope Tawadros II has visited the injured victims of the al-Warrāq Church attack inside the Military Hospital in Ma’ādi. He stated, “Muslims and Christians live in love. May God project Egypt” (Author not mentioned, al-Watan, Oct. 25, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic.
This was denied in a separate article in al-Wafd, which stated that tens of Copts, who are members of the Maspero Youth Union have demonstrated in front of the Council of Ministers in protest against the attack. A delegation of the movement met with Dr. Hāzim al-Biblāwī, the Prime Minister, to...
Other news                                                                                                  Dār al-Iftā’ is taking part in an international conference on the relationship between religion and the media that will be held in the headquarters of the German Parliament tomorrow (October...
According to an article in al-Tahrir, targeting of Copts by armed groups aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood aims to confuse the policy makers and to show the failure of state security. It also allows for a bargaining chip to release the Muslim Brotherhood leaders. It is not important who...
Najuīb Jubra’īl, head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, has submitted a complaint to the general prosecutor requesting to dismiss Prime Minister Hāzim al-Biblāwī and Minister of Interior, General Muhammad Ibrahīm, due to their oversight in applying the emergency laws which led to...
Dr. Hāzim al-Biblāwī has given his condolences to Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros for victims of the attack on the Church of Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael in al-Warrāq (Ahmad Abdil ‘Azīm, Wā’il Fāyiz and Muhammd Abū ‘Imayrah, al-Watan, Oct. 22, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.
According to an association “Christians of the East are in Danger,” Christians of the East are facing the threat of forceful eviction and church burning. The organization based in Paris started a campaign to denounce the religious cleansing that Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon (Hānī, ...
Security forces in Cairo have arrested a leader in the “Tablīgh and Daw’ah” group in a flat in Nasr City and found with him 20 bombs as well as maps for the Ministry of Defense (Ahmad ‘Abd al-Latīf, al-Watan, Oct. 11, p.2). Read original text in Arabic.
Secularist, Kamal Jubrā’īl, stated that Egypt’s biggest mistake is that it teaches its sons terrorist ideas through its Azharite institutes at a young age and then runs them away when they are older. He stated that if we are reticent at countering terrorists early on, we will not be able to be so...
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām, the Grand Muftī, stated that carrying or distributing political slogans or partisan banners or organizing protests during the pilgrimage is religiously prohibited (Author not mentioned, al-Watan, Oct. 8). Read original text in Arabic.


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