Displaying 431 - 440 of 5770.
According to an association “Christians of the East are in Danger,” Christians of the East are facing the threat of forceful eviction and church burning. The organization based in Paris started a campaign to denounce the religious cleansing that Christians in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon (Hānī, ...
Security forces in Cairo have arrested a leader in the “Tablīgh and Daw’ah” group in a flat in Nasr City and found with him 20 bombs as well as maps for the Ministry of Defense (Ahmad ‘Abd al-Latīf, al-Watan, Oct. 11, p.2). Read original text in Arabic.
Secularist, Kamal Jubrā’īl, stated that Egypt’s biggest mistake is that it teaches its sons terrorist ideas through its Azharite institutes at a young age and then runs them away when they are older. He stated that if we are reticent at countering terrorists early on, we will not be able to be so...
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām, the Grand Muftī, stated that carrying or distributing political slogans or partisan banners or organizing protests during the pilgrimage is religiously prohibited (Author not mentioned, al-Watan, Oct. 8). Read original text in Arabic.
Bishop Mūsá, the Archbishop, has expressed on his Twitter account his hope that Egypt approaches the future with a strategy in which all the actors in the Egyptian scene will take part (Na’īm Yūsuf, al-Aqbāt al-Mutahidūn, Oct. 8). Read original text in Arabic.
All Egyptians Churches last week have sent messages to the world explaining the crimes of the Muslim Brotherhood against Egypt and the way Egypt combats terrorism the Church was the first victim of this extremism (Michael, Watanī, Aug. 25, p. 3).  Read original text in Arabic.
Al-Azhar stated to the UN that Egypt’s Copts are one with its Muslims in their homeland. It added that they are partners in building and developing it. It requested that the international community realize the true picture of what is happening in Egypt (Author not mentioned, Watanī, Aug. 25, p. 1...
Statements Grand Muftī of Egypt, Shawqī 'Allām, said that the exploitation of fatwás to deepen the rift is a detested and forbidden practice in Islam. In his TV-broadcast speech, he called for protection of the institutions of the state against any attack by any means, pointing out that such doing...
The committee to amend the Constitution is supervising reviewing of the Constitution to prepare a draft of constitutional reforms. The Middle Eastern News Agency (MENA) quoted Chancellor ‘Alī ‘Awad, rapporteur of the committee, saying that the committee has reviewed around 132 articles so far and...
Villagers warded off an attempt by supporters of the ousted president to storm the church in Kūm al-Zahīr in Abū Qurqās district (al-Minya governorate). Clashes and heavy shootings took place between the two sides, leading to a failed attempt to storm the church, with no people hurt or lives lost....


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