Displaying 4321 - 4330 of 5775.
A new book by prominent thinker, Jamāl al-Bannā, entitled Ikhwānī al-Aqbāt [my Coptic brothers] is to be released soon. The book is expected to cause heated controversy since it tackles Muslim-Christian relations from the author’s point of view.
The outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group is reported to have hacked the website of Rose al-Yousuf daily newspaper.
‘Ādil Hammouda writes that if Muslim Brotherhood came to power, democracy in Egypt would certainly be threatened.
Dr. Muhammad al-Bishārī, Chairman of the General Federation of French Muslims asserts that Muslims in Europe are an important part of their evolving societies. However he argues that they face many challenges in European societies and should have the right to preserve their Islamic identities.
A group of Copts headed by the Bishop of Samāllout is calling for the dismissal of Bishop Bīshouy, who they say has assaulted the dignity of the church and has abused his power.
A brief history of immigration trends in Europe and a discussion of the cultural integration of immigrants.
According to recent statistics, poverty and political chaos are the main reasons for the large-scale emigration of Africans to European countries.
Muslim organizations respond to the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet in a way that has been deemed offensive by many Muslim groups.
A Coptic intellectual proposes the abolition of religious education in all Egyptian schools. A Muslim intellectual rejects the idea.
During the second annual Muslim Youth Forum, The Guardian brought together a diverse group of young Muslims to debate life after the recent London bombings.


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