Displaying 5141 - 5150 of 5776.
The defense team in the case of Al-Koshh "1" were surprised that the court decided to postpone the case to May 5. The only witness against the defendant, who is a police officer, was called in the last session. Most of the answers of the witness were that he remembered nothing as a long time had...
Counselor Maher Abdel-Wahed, the Attorney General, announced yesterday the results of the investigations in the cases of Al-Kosheh and Dar Al-Salaam... The investigations reached the conclusion that there are no people of religion, extremists, or supporters of a certain political movement among...
In the first incident of its kind in the history of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II asked for forgiveness for the mistakes and sins in which the Catholic Church participated during the past two thousand years. The most prominent of these sins was mistreating the believers of other religions...
It is normal to remember Prophet Abraham with Eid Al-Adha. He is the one who started his historical trip to worship God. He fought for that goal, and then left it to his sons and prophets afterwards. Prophets kept the heritage, and transferred it with heavenly additions. When the period of the...
Today, the criminal court of Sohag will be viewing the case of Al-Kosheh (1) in which Shayboub William Arsel is accused of murdering Karam Tamer Arsel and Samir Oueida Hakim, which was the case the initiated the incidents of Al-Kosheh in 1998...
Several faxes signed "harmed inhabitants of Dar Al-Salaam" and the merchants whose shops were destroyed in the communal riots in the Al-Kosheh area at the beginning of the year have been sent to the Egyptian president and prime minister asking for financial help. An example of such a fax is given...
The government did not keep its promise of paying compensations to the people harmed in the incidents of Al-Kosheh. ... A large number of the merchants and shopkeepers whose shops were burned during the incidents complained that the officials at Sohag governorate were procrastinating over making...
Although the ministerial committee that was formed by General Mustafa Abdel-Qader, Minister for Local Development, was set up to follow-up the situation in Al-Kosheh closely after the occurrence of the incidents, in order to take the necessary measures for removing the remains of the damage, all...
In spite of the efforts of the reconciliation committees that were formed after the incidents of Al-Koshh, which aimed to break down the barriers left after the incidents, they have failed. ... The psychological barrier is present, the fears and doubts are still there, and the wounds have not...
Akhmim summary court decided to release three of the accused in the incidents of looting, theft and burning in Dar Al-Salaam on a 200 EgP bail for each.


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