Displaying 5441 - 5450 of 5776.
Studies confirm that some Western organizations are using the wrong practices of a group of people in order to interfere in the country of Egypt. Hence, there is an urgent necessity for direct Christian-Muslim dialogue.
Four people were killed and 43 were wounded a crowded market in the capital of Yemen, when a gunman threw a hand grenade and then opened fire after a Yemeni court upheld the death sentence on the leader of an Islamic militant group.
Saudi-born militant Osama bin Laden has decided to leave Afghanistan, fearing a fresh U.S. attack against him, the independent Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) said on Friday.
The Western civilization is still showing its ugly face. All the masks had fallen down in Kosova. At least 100 thousand Albanians have been killed in Kosovo by Serbians who had tortured, killed and slaughtered them like sheep. So where is this great civilization that is behind what is happening in...
The author explains why there is no place for non-Muslim houses of worship in Saudi Arabia.
Sheikha Nadia is the new phenomenon in the medical world. She claims that she has the ability to cure the people from their diseases and drive the devils out of them. What is amazing about her is that she has got a license to work from Al-Azhar. A lot of people have been contradicting her methods...
Abdel Sabour Shahin’s book "My father Adam, the story of creation between legend and truth" has caused a great deal of trouble for Sheikh Al-Azhar [the Sheikh of Al-Azhar]. Since a lawyer raised a case against the book’s author, the Sheikh and the book’s publisher, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar has been...
Jerusalem’s Arab population is increasing three times as fast as its Jewish population, according to a study released on Monday [July 26, 1999]. Right-wing Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert called on the Labor government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak to increase the building of affordable housing in the...
Naguib Sawiris appeared for over an hour in interview on the program "Belaa Hudoud" (Without Limits) on the Qatar-based Jazeera satellite TV station, discussing the emergence of the new business class and their political influence - burning questions that are widely aired in the press but never...
Dr. Mervat Al-Tellawi, the Minister of Insurance and Social Affairs, together with Pope Shenouda visited the injured people in the accident of Beni Suef. She also offered her consolations to the families of the dead people.


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