Displaying 5711 - 5720 of 5763.
Sheik Tantawi received this week a message from Pope John Paul II on the importance of stepping up cooperation among Muslims and Christians.
Missionaries are responsible for the events in East Timor, according to the paper.
The official web site of the Gama’a Islamiya is www.morabiton.org.
Islamic Sharia has nothing against women nominating themselves for public office and voting said the Grand Mufti Nasser Farid Wassel.
The Permanent Committee for Scientific Research and Fatwa in Saudi Arabia issued a statement supporting what was issued by the Higher Islamic Theological Council in Lebanon regarding civil marriage.
Frank Wolf meets in the American Embassy with seven Copts the names of which are published here for the first time.
Converts to Islam in America are increasing steadily and becoming more outspoken in their defense of it.
Wolf met with 7 Copts whose names were not mentioned. In a footnote the RNSAW reveals most names.
Dr. Boutros Ghali, the secretary general of the Francophone organization asserted that there are external attempts to separate Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
[and other papers] Published articles about Sheik Mohammed Metwali Al-Sha’rawi, whose death received the most extensive media coverage of a religious personality yet.


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