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The Interview Documentation Project
Interviews with Islamist Movements (2013)
Siwa Sustainable Water Management Conference (2017)
Summer Schools
Summer Webinar (September 2020)
Summer Webinar (June 2020)
CAWU-Anglican Diocese Summer School (2019)
Dr. Tarek Mansour: Muslim-Christian relations in the Middle East
Interview: Cornelis Hulsman, Omar Nahla, and Father Joannis
Interview: Cornelis Hulsman, Omar Nahla, and Father Joannis
Moving Forward together: Muslims and Christians together in the Egyptian society.
Richard Gauvain: Salafism and al-Radd
SGP Summer School 2019 Executive Summary
Selected Photos and Student Testimonials
Sufism, Muslim-Christian dialogue, Muslim experience in the USA
CAWU-SEKEM Summer School (2019)
Intercultural Dialogue for Sustainable Development
Heliopolis Summer School (2018)
Journey to the Christian-Spiritual Heritage of Egypt (2019)
Refugee Leadership Training Project (2020-2021)
Refugee Education Egypt (2022)
Refugee Students about their Dreams in Egypt that Need Education
The Dreams of Congolese Refugee Victoria (18)
The Dreams of Ethiopian Refugee Senae Megersa (15)
The Dreams of Refugee Khadija (24)
Eritrean Refugee Jacob’s Frustrations about Poor Information Provided to Refugees
Meeting With Three Students From The CAWU Learning Center; Simona, Diana, Victoria, Their Teacher Leila And Friend Simone
Interview With Eritrean CAWU-Learning Center Student Edna (16)
Focus Group with Senior Students in Innovation Academy Learning Center
CAWU’s Refugee Student Diana Ressom (19) about her Escape to Egypt and Life in Egypt
Essays written by refugee students at the CAWU Learning Center
Informal conversation with CAWU Learning Center students Diana and Lydia
Informal conversation with Matariya Adventist school student Asha
Refugee Students at Universities
Meeting Three South Sudanese Refugee Students at Cairo University
Child Protection and Gangs
Interview with Jok Marko, Coordinator of the Youth Project in PSTIC
Refugee Education Activist
Interview with South Sudanese Activist Ann Lado about Refugee Education
Refugee Learning Centers in Egypt
Interview with Izz, Intern at StARS Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Chris Rupke, Principal African Hope Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Father Claude, St. Joseph Eritrean Learning Center
Interview with John Manassie, Nile Academy Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Albino, Wadi El Nil Learning Center
Interview with Answer Boutros And James Natalie, Director and Principal of The Sakakini School for Refugees:
Interview with Alfred Nadu Of Great Equatoria Learning Center for Refugees
Interview with Silvia Gore, Director Innovation Academy
Interview with Kejiel Matiok Akec Tinke, Director of Little Step
Interview with Nichola Kenybo, Principal of El-Matariya Adventist Sudanese Learning Center
Interview with Simon Tongnyiik from Al-Shorouk Learning Center
Interview with Silvio Amum, Director of Knowledge Educational Center, Al-Marafa
Interview with Yassir Abdela at Faisal Center for Sudanese Education, English Department, Al.Tagsim Al-Tani Branch
Interview with Abduselam Abdella, Director of Faisal Sudanese School English Department at Kafr Thazmos Branch
Interview with Fiona Cameron, Former Educational Director of StARS
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Interview with Amira Salima, Educational Officer at The Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
South Sudanese Embassy (Egypt)
Interview with Envy Baptist, The Secretary of Cultural and Educational Attache Department at The South-Sudanese Embassy in Cairo
List of books citations used in AWR-Articles
(Click on term to display relevant articles)
Sahīh Al-Bukharī, vol. 2
Sai Baba and Miracles of Heavenly Love (Originally in Arabic)
Samā’ min Turāb (Heaven of Dust)
Sandals at the Mosque
Satanic Verses
Sayr iʿlām al-nubalā’ wa-tarīkh al-islām lil-zuhbī [The Biography of Nobles and the History of Islam - al-Zuhbī]
Sayyidāt Bayt al-Nubuwwah
Scenes from the End of Time in the Qur’ān
Seize the Moment
Sekem: A Sustainable Community in the Egyptian Desert
Seventh-Day Adventist Heresies
Shaduw al-Rababah bi-Aḥwāl Mujtama‘ al-Ṣaḥābah
Shāhid ‘alā Waqf al-‘Unf: Taḥawwulāt...
Shajarī A‘lā
Shakhsiyyat Miṣr
Shalimar the Clown
Sharḥ al-Īmān al-Arthūdhuksī
Shāriʿ al-Tanahhudāt
Sharīʿat al-Zawjah al-Wāḥidah fī al-Masīḥiyyah
Sharq al-Mutawassiṭ
Shattering the Myth: Islam Beyond Violence
Shawāmikh al-'Adab al-‘Arabī
Shiite Traditions Among Egyptians (Originally in Arabic)
Shukran Bin Lādin
Shuʿarā' al-Masīḥiyyah fī Shibh al-Jazīrah al-ʿArabiyyah
Sighting the Month
Siḥr Barnūkh
Silence and Honey Cakes
Silence No More
Silence No More: Confronting America’s False Images of Islam
Silsilat Taṣḥīḥ al-Mafāhīm
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
Sinamā'iyāt al-Mashad al-Qur'ānī'
Sindbād Miṣrī
Sir Harry H. Johnston, “Race Problems in New Africa, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp 598 – 612, (June 15 1924)
Sir Stephen Gaselee, “The Copts”, Journal of the Royal Asian Society 14 (1), 1937: 27 – 45
Six Walks in the Fictional Woods
Siyyar Aʿlum al-Nubalā'
Sj and C.T.R. Hewer
Sleeping with the Devil: How Washington sold our soul for Saudi crude
Speaking with Others
Spoils of War: The human cost of America’s arms trade
St. John of Patmos and the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse
State Law as Islamic Law in Modern Egypt
Strangers in all times
Struggle to Surrender
Suende und Schande im Biblischen und Islamischen Kontext: Ein Ethno-hermeneutischer Beitrag zum christlich-muslimischen Dialogue
Summer Meditations
Sunan Allāh fī Tafsīr al-Manār li-al-Qur'ān al-Karīm li-al-Imām Muḥammad ʿAbduh wa-Tilmīzah Rashīd Riḍā
Suqūṭ al-Imām
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī
Ṣaḥīḥ al-Tawthīq fī Sīrat Ḥayāt al-Ṣiddīq
Ṣinā‘at al-ʿAdā’ li-al-Islām
Ṣirāʿ min Ajl al-Īmān: Inṭibāʿāt Amrīkī Iʿtanaqa al-Islām
Ṣiyagh al-Tamkīn: Ṇshiṭāt Isḷmiyyat fī Miṣr
Ṣūrat al-‘Arab fī al-Sīnimā al-Amrīkiyyah
Ṣūrat al-‘Arab wa-al-Muslimīn fī al-Manāhij al-Dirāsiyyah...
Ṣu‘ūd wa-Hubūṭ al-Imbraṭūriyyah al-Rūmāniyyah
Ta'līh al-Insān
Tabiyīn al-Kalām fī Tafsīr al-Tawrāh wa-al-Injīl...
Tafjīrāt al-Riyāḍ: Al-Ikhwān wa-al-Athar
Tafnīd Daʿwā Ḥadd al-Riddah
Tafsīr al-Manār
Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī: Jāmiʿ al-Bayān ʿan Ta'wīl al-Qur’ān
Tagebuch eines deutschen Muslims
Tahāfut al-Falāsifah
Tahdhīb al-Akhlaq
Taḥawulāt al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn: Tafakkuk al-Aydiyūlūjiyyah...
Taḥrīr al-Mar'ah
Taḥyā al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah...Yasquṭ Sībawīh
Taḥzīr al-Mu’mināt min Libs al-Banṭalūnāt
Tāj al-ʿArūs
Tajālā Allāh ‘alā Mirā'āt Qalb Yasūʿ
Tajdīd al-Fikr al-Qawmī
Tajdīd al-Fiqh al-Islāmī
Takhlīs al-Ibrīz fī Talkhīṣ Bāriz
Tales of Al-Mundandash
Tanbīh al-Ghāfilīn bi-Ḥaqīqat Fikr al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn
Tanẓīm Khidmat Ikhwat al-Rabb
Tarbiyat Salāmah Mūsā
Tārīkh al-Khulafā’
Tārīkh Ahl al-Dhimmah fī Miṣr al-Islāmiyyah
Tārīkh al-Ightiyāl al-Siyāsī
Tarīkh al-Jughrāfīyā wa-al-Jughrāfiyyīn fī al-Andalus
Tārīkh al-Kanīsah al-Qibṭiyyah
Tārīkh al-Rahbanah fī Miṣr
Tārīkh al-Ummah al-Qibṭiyyah [Kāmil Ṣāliḥ et al.]
Tārīkh al-Ummah al-Qibṭiyyah [Yaʿqūb Nakhlah Rafā'īl]
Tārīkh al-Wizārāt al-Miṣriyyah
Tārīkh al-ʿĀlam
Tārīkh Baṭārikat al-Kanīsah al-Miṣriyyah
Tārīkh Miṣr min Khilāl Tārīkh al-Baṭārikah...
Tārīkh Mukhtaṣar al-Duwal
Tārīkh Sīnā al-Qadīm wa-al-Ḥadīth wa-Jughrāfīyatuhī
Tārīkh Yahūd al-Nīl
Tarīkhiyyat al-Daʿwah al-Muḥammadiyyah
Tārīkhunā al-Muftarā ʿAlayhi
Tarjamat Maʿānī al-Qur'ān
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التالية ◂
الأخيرة ◂◂
ديسمبر 31,2024 |
Reflections on the Place of Women in Christianity (Dr. ʿĀīdah Naṣṣīf )
ديسمبر 31,2024 |
Reflections on War and Violence in the Old Testament (Rev. Mark Taqqī)
New Essays on Dialogue and Islamic Ethics
Christians in Syria - Christmas in Palestine
Interview with Fady Ghaṭṭās on the Alexandria School and Christian Publishing in Egypt
The 2024 Naguib Mahfouz Prize - The Dār al-Iftāʾ combats extremism
Recent Intern Publications on Developments in Europe
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