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العنوانرتب تنازليا المؤلف آخر تحديث
12. The U.S Brotherhood webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:06
12. The umma [Muslim nation] should not disagree during times of hardship…The dialogue between Muslims comes first webmaster خميس, 2019-03-07 12:53
12. The unified law for the divorce of the Copts; when is it issued and does it solve the problems of 400,000 families?! webmaster خميس, 2019-02-07 17:31
12. The universalism of Islam and the challenges of globalization webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:04
12. The Vatican and the danger of Islam webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:04
12. The voice of reason in the sentences of Al-Kosheh case webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:56
12. The Wahhabis control the conscience industry in Egypt! webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 13:02
12. The well-known preacher reappears at Al-Sayd [hunting] Sports Club webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 13:03
12. The World Islamic Council condemns the kidnapping of civilians in Iraq and asks France for a legal solution which allows Muslim women their hijab webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:43
12. There are no Christian girls kidnapped...the customary marriage between Copts is limited webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:51
12. There is a need for a reformative religious information to face the ancestral one Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:10
12. There is no distinction between Muslims and Christians in Egypt webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:43
12. They are playing with the womb of the nation webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:10
12. They do not represent Copts webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 13:03
12. Thieves in the Azhar Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:32
12. This is not religion … this is not preaching Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:25
12. This is our Islam webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:42
12. This is our Islam webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:49
12. Those who rule in Turkey and those who ruin in Egypt webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:13
12. Those who trade in Coptic problems webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:19
12. Thousands Of People Sing Revolutionary, Ṣufi Songs And Christian Hymns, Chanting “Down With The Military” Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:06
12. Three mosques attacked in southern Philippines webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:12
12. Timing, reform and the crack down on Hamas webmaster ثلاثاء, 2019-07-09 14:34
12. To the Minister of the Interior: Beware of new sectarian strife webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:45
12. Twelve killed in sectarian violence as 190 sent to courts martial Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:41
12. Two concepts to reconsider webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:55
12. U.S. demands international monitoring of the elections webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 12:57
12. UFO and Terror webmaster أحد, 2019-07-14 10:04
12. UNESCO Ambassador Muhammad Sāmih released a statement condemning all assaults on houses of worship Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 20:01
12. Unto us our true religion and unto you your violent religion webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:11
12. US Commission and withholding information webmaster خميس, 2019-02-07 17:29
12. US Copts Association Press release: Egyptian governor orders the destruction of a newly renovated Coptic church in a small village in EGYPT. webmaster أحد, 2019-07-14 11:39
12. US veto against Palestinian state puts it embassies at risk, say Islamists Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 16:37
12. Veiled [the Arabic word “molathemat” is normally used to describe thieves] in the streets of Cairo webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:50
12. Wafaa Costantine "The woman who set the Coptic Church on fire’ webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:00
12. Wafa’ Sultan… the paranoid psychiatrist webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:04
