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العنوانرتب تنازليا المؤلف آخر تحديث
2. "إصلاح الجماعة الإسلامية": "تقصي الحقائق" وراء مبادرات المصالحة Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 22:34
2. "الإخوان" تعتدي على مسجد ل"النور" بعبارات مسيئة داخله والحزب يرد: "أعاذنا الله منكم" Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:59
2. "الإفتاء" تدعو المصريين لضبط النفس وتغليب مصلحة الوطن Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:42
2. "الجارديان": أخيرا الدولة تستعيد دلجا Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 18:04
2. "الطيب" يتبرع ب2 مليون جنيه قيمة "جائزة دبي" ل"تحيا مصر" Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 22:04
2. "تقصي حقائق 30 يونيو": قتلى فض ميداني "رابعة والنهضة" أقل بكثير من ألف شخص Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 22:46
2. "داعش" أقتاد نساء مسيحيات وايزيديات من مطار "تلعفر" الى مكان مجهول لبيعهن كسبايا .. وقتل جميع الرجال Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 22:05
2. "كامل" يدعو الأقباط إلي مشاركة سياسية ايجابية Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:37
2. 12 Coptic women increase church's contribution in parliament Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:37
2. 13 books banned at the Cairo International Book Fair webmaster خميس, 2019-02-07 17:25
2. 15 centuries after the emergence of Islam, do Muslims still need incubators, like premature babies, to protect them from missionaries? webmaster جمعة, 2019-12-20 01:41
2. 30 June Fact Finding Commission Prepared to Send Delegation to Interview Copts Abroad Kent اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:18
2. 3000 law suits over five years filed by Christians who have converted to Islam and want to re-embrace Christianity webmaster أربعاء, 2019-11-20 20:59
2. 700 members of Jamā‘ah al-Islāmiyyah defect, form new movement Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 16:24
2. A Banquet for the lovers of Extremism! webmaster خميس, 2019-02-07 17:30
2. A call to arouse confusion! webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:09
2. A Call to Coptic Weaponry, from Abroad نداءات من الخارج لاقباط مصر بضرورة حمل السلاح Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:17
2. A campaign to collect signatures for the right to divorce…and calls for the ecclesiastical trial of Bishop Bīshūy Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:07
2. A controversy in Egypt over a lawsuit demanding separating an Egyptian writer from his wife because he had criticized Amr Ibn Al-‘As webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:12
2. A Coptic Intellectual on Religion and State in Egypt Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:27
2. A Coptic researcher accuses the abbot of Abū Fānā Monastery of hindering his PhD for 3 years Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:34
2. A Danish association republishes the caricatures insulting the prophet webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:06
2. A delegation of Awqaf visits the "Evangelical" to discuss the suspension of dealing with the Church Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) اثنين, 2022-11-14 19:45
2. A deviant group having beliefs against Islam was arrested webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:56
2. A disaster that tarnishes the reputation of Egypt webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:02
2. A disgrace in London webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:09
2. A division between the leaders of the terrorist groups webmaster خميس, 2019-03-07 12:50
2. A European campaign against Algeria webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:45
2. A female Mufti webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:09
2. A fight in Al- Azhar and its slogan is: New Jurisprudence or purifying the old one? webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 11:47
2. A French Professor converted to Islam in Cairo. He learned about Islam in Luxor and trembled when he saw worshipers at prayer webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 12:40
2. A great development in political life. What do we want from the Council for Human Rights? webmaster خميس, 2019-06-27 12:10
2. A Historical Speech by al-Sīsī in the UN General Assembly Sara Abdel-Hamid اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:18
2. A Jewish campaign to shut down the most important Islamic Internet site webmaster اثنين, 2019-05-20 12:40
2. A Jihad against time webmaster خميس, 2019-02-07 17:31
2. A large turnout of elderly people and women voters in the referendum over the draft constitution Sara Abdel-Hamid أحد, 2021-05-30 15:29
