Bishop Aghāthūn Raises a Complaint against Pope Tawāḍrūs to the Holy Synod |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
ثلاثاء, 2022-11-15 17:43 |
Bishop al-Zubaīr and Bishop Roreig’s views on Islamisation and Interfaith Dialogue/Father Alphons Visiting Camp Dār al-Salām |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:13 |
Bishop Angaelos On Christian Persecution: It's Not About Christians Or Muslims, But About Life |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 20:09 |
Bishop Antonious: A Full Transcript on Constitutional Proceedings |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 23:06 |
Bishop Anṭūniyyūs Murqus named Metropolitan of South Africa |
Sara Abdel-Hamid |
خميس, 2019-08-29 10:47 |
Bishop Armīa: Division is a Threat to the Strength of Society and the Youth are the Key of Success |
Sara Abdel-Hamid |
اثنين, 2019-05-20 14:18 |
Bishop Awlūgiyyūs (Ologios) issues statement regarding fire at the Bishop Shenūda Monastery in Sūhāg |
Luka_Renic |
أحد, 2025-03-02 14:44 |
Bishop Bafantīūs: ISIS wanted to sow discord so it increased its use of violence |
adel-cc |
خميس, 2019-06-27 12:20 |
Bishop Bākhūm: We Finished the Personal Status Law and Handed it Over to Pope Tawāḍrūs |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
ثلاثاء, 2022-11-15 17:43 |
Bishop Bīmin from a camp for the displaced Coptic families of al-ʿArīsh copts: “We will soon return to our houses and our beautiful city of al-ʿArīsh. We will be victorious.” |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:30 |
Bishop Bimin heads the prayers of Palm Sunday in the Church of Martyr St. George in Jarajus |
Mohammed Radwan |
خميس, 2019-08-22 07:38 |
Bishop Bōla In Charge Of The Personal Status File |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 20:12 |
Bishop Botros Fahim |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 17:47 |
Bishop Būla: the January Revolution was a tsunami that invaded the country |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2019-05-20 12:40 |
Bishop Būla: these are the best days in the history of the Copts |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
خميس, 2019-06-27 11:43 |
Bishop Bulus ordains bishop of the diocese of eastern Canada |
Mohammed Radwan |
أحد, 2019-09-29 08:11 |
Bishop Daniel, Deputy Pope: I Demand the Entry of Copts to al-Azhar University and Separating Religion from Science |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:02 |
Bishop Daniel: Egypt and Sudan have one spirit nourished by the Nile |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:02 |
Bishop Daniel: “The Holy Synod's Decision On New Personal Status Law Coming November.” |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 20:08 |
Bishop Dūmādiyūs Visits Wāʾil Saʿad Who's Sentenced to Death for Murdering Bishop Epiphanius |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
ثلاثاء, 2022-11-15 17:43 |
Bishop Ermia praises Pope Kyrillos' work in the Coptic Orthodox Church |
Matthew Anderson |
خميس, 2023-10-12 11:11 |
Bishop George Shīḥān: "We always communicate with the shaykh of al-Azhar" |
Mohammed Radwan |
سبت, 2019-09-28 05:42 |
Bishop Ibrāhīm ʿAzar lead Copts of Al-Maʿsara to prevent the destruction of al-Sallahīn mosque |
adel-cc |
خميس, 2019-03-07 12:51 |
Bishop Julius of the Coptic Orthodox Church announces the launch of a website directed to Egyptians residing in Canada |
Sara Abdel-Hamid |
أربعاء, 2021-12-29 17:02 |
Bishop Julius: “Life Boats” Initiative Works to Save Young People from Death |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
ثلاثاء, 2022-11-15 17:44 |
Bishop Kīrillus Suspends a Monk in the USA to Investigate Him |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 19:35 |
Bishop Kirolos declared his whole-hearted support for al-Sīsī |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 19:48 |
Bishop Kirolos declared his whole-hearted support for al-Sīsī |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 19:48 |
Bishop Maqār: al-Laqqān is the service until washing the legs |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 19:34 |
Bishop Mārkūs Meets with Bishop Anṭūniyyūs and Visit Together St. Dimyāna Monastery |
Sara Abdel-Hamid |
اثنين, 2019-12-23 20:47 |
Bishop Mūssā on Coptic Youth |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:12 |
Bishop of al-Buḥayrī calls for constitutional resolution of contradictory rulings on the sale and demolition of Virgin Mary Church, Rashīd |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 16:17 |
Bishop of Najaʿ Ḥammādī: Egypt is Capable of Overcoming any Sectarianism |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
اثنين, 2022-11-14 21:04 |
Bishop of Samāllūṭ: Grand Opening of the Memorial and Panorama for the Story of the Martyrs of Libya in Order to Document their Story |
Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) |
ثلاثاء, 2022-11-15 17:43 |
Bishop of Suez meets with the servants of St. George Church in Janifa |
Mohammed Radwan |
أحد, 2019-09-29 05:57 |
Bishop of Sydney Returns to his Diocese |
Shady |
اثنين, 2021-09-27 15:54 |