العنوان![]() |
المؤلف | آخر تحديث |
Nūr magazine releases second edition of Children Ask the Imam at Cairo International Book Fair | Luka_Renic | اثنين, 2025-02-03 22:11 |
Nūr-Mubārak University President urges international law to criminalize contempt of religion | Noha | جمعة, 2024-03-29 12:30 |
Nurul Wafa' | Anonymous (لم يتم التحقق) | أربعاء, 2022-01-12 05:53 |
Dialogue Across Borders is a database of summary translations of Arabic newspaper articles with references to their sources about intercultural and interreligious relations, focusing primarily but not exclusively on Muslim-Christian relations. The database also contains articles with editorial analysis and interviews on the subject.
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