Hulsman: Why Bashing Islam Doesn't Make Us Safer

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أحد, 2011-07-24
Newsletter Number: 

Hulsman: Why Bashing Islam Doesn't Make Us Safer


Norwegian terror suspect Anders Breivik and Dutch politician Geert Wilders have the same message: Islam is violent and Muslim immigration threatens our way of life.



July 24, 2011


(AWR)  — Anders Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian, has confessed to killing at least 92 people at a youth camp and seven in a bomb attack outside a government building in Oslo, Norway. As Norwegian authorities investigate Breivik's motives, a document and a short video produced by the suspect have surfaced, both full of anti-Islamic propaganda. AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman says Breivick's propaganda is alarmingly similar to that of Dutch politician Geert Wilders and other activists who work to consistently portray Islam in a negative light.... 


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