Investigation Continues Amid Protests in Church Bombing Case

Sent On: 
أربعاء, 2011-01-05
Newsletter Number: 



Investigation Continues Amid Protests in Church Bombing Case



January 5, 2011


CAIRO, Egypt (AWR) — As demonstrations continue in Egypt as a result of the New Year's Day bombing of a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egyptian newspapers are busy speculating who is responsible for the attack. As AWR's Hani Hamdi reports, some are accusing the Egyptian media of "competing to identify the perpetrator."


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AWR Analysis






Christian Responses to Bombing in Alexandria: Irony, Love, and Violence


AWR's Jayson Casper proposes an idea for Christmas Eve that can unite Christians with the very security forces they are rallying against.


For more information on contextual issues,  the resulting sectarian demonstrations, and an interfaith dialgoue effort, read Jayson's previous article.


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Hulsman: Government Denial of Sectarian Tension is Wrong Response to Alexandria Attack


If you need further evidence that Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt are deteriorating, then look no further than last night’s attack on a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria, Egypt, which left 21 dead, dozens injured, and an outbreak of Muslim and Christian rioters hurling stones, bottles, and sectarian slogans at one another.







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