The Life Story of Saint Demiana and the 40 Virgins

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جمعة, 2011-08-19
Newsletter Number: 

The Life Story of Saint Demiana and the 40 Virgins


August 19 , 2011


(AWR) — Saint Demiana, a fourth century martyr and Christian saint, holds a very special place in the heart of Egyptian Christians. 


Not only is Saint Demiana the focus of a yearly festival commemorating her torture and martyrdom at the hands of Emperor Diocletian, hundreds of thousands of Christians also keep a picture of her in their homes to seek her intercession.


In addition, a monastery for nuns in the northern Nile delta, as well as a significant number of Coptic orthodox churches worldwide, are named after her.


The Arab West Report is pleased to present the detailed life story of Saint Demiana with this newsletter. The main text was written by nuns at Saint Demiana’s Monastery. Introductions to the main text were written by AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman and the Christian Treasures Organization.


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