Date of source: الأحد, حزيران (يونيو) 10, 2007
The author reviews a recent article published in al-Dustūr regarding Muslim and Christian houses of worship. A poll was conducted to see how many Muslim worshipers had entered churches, and how many Christian worshipers had entered mosques. It highlighted their impressions of the respective places...
Date of source: الاثنين, حزيران (يونيو) 4, 2007
The articles talks about the release of 130 members of the Jihād Organization. Muntaṣir al-Zayyāt, lawyer of the Islamic groups, described the release of the Jihād prisoners as a “positive” step.
Date of source: الخميس, آب (اغسطس) 16, 2007
Egyptian intellectual Dr. Tarek Heggy talks about Egyptian culture, development of critical thinking and Muslim-Christian relations.
Date of source: الثلاثاء, آيار (مايو) 29, 2007
The following article lists examples of Muslim-Christian incidents since 1996 with an analysis of the different causes leading to such unfortunate incidents. This report was presented to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Council for Human Rights.
Date of source: السبت, آيار (مايو) 5, 2007
Leaders of the Jihād Islamic group are about to issue their report on their adjusted strategies and tactics against using violence. While the majority of the group seems to approve of the amendments, some of the leaders consider the document unreliable according to possibility of having been...
Date of source: الأربعاء, نيسان (أبريل) 18, 2007
A presidential ruling was issued to stop restoration works at the Saint Virgin Monastery in Beni Suef. The unexcused gesture aroused people’s anger after three months of hard legal works.
Date of source: الخميس, آذار (مارس) 15, 2007
The crisis over the excommunication of George Habīb Bibāwī has escalated after his brothers filed a lawsuit with the Nuzhah Court against Bishop Bīshūy for slander and insult.
Date of source: الجمعة, آيار (مايو) 25, 2007
The Center for Arab-West Understanding presents its annual report for 2006, highlighting the objectives achieved and the goals for the upcoming year. 2006 was landmarked by growing toward the Center for Arab-West Understanding, and laying the basis for an electronic documentation center.
Date of source: السبت, آذار (مارس) 3, 2007
The Egyptian government freezes the assets of 29 leading members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood. The tireless Brotherhood nevertheless plots to infiltrate the Shūrá Council to submit a candidate to run for president.
Date of source: الاثنين, تموز (يوليو) 5, 2004
The phenomenon of Islamic schools is not new; the new thing is that these schools do not accept employing Christian teachers or enlisting Christian students. Last week an advertisement appeared in the last page of al-Ahram about a school called ?Al-Bashayir al-Islāmīyah.” The advertisement called...