Displaying 31 - 40 of 172.
On Wednesday, the governor of Beni Suef, Sharīf Ḥabīb, handed over 263 micro-projects contracts to women residents of the Beni Suef villages and centers. Worth 3 million EGP, the micro-projects are financed by the Nasser Social Bank, the Zakat Committee of the ʿUmar bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz mosque, and...
Egyptian women have entered into all fields and held many positions to demonstrate their ability to lead and achieve success. In an unprecedent event, a woman is competing with men for the official post as Shaykh al-Balad or ‘Chief of the Village’ in a Beni Suef village.
The security forces in Beni Suef have quelled a sectarian strife by holding a reconciliation session between the Copts and Muslims of Kafr al- Beheira in Beni Suef. 
 Beni Suef has witnessed several sectarian strives in the past, this did not prevent it from celebrating the Day of Resurrection (Easter). On August 12, 2013, clashes erupted between Muslims and Christians in Dayābiyah village, north of Beni Suef, which led to the injury of 16 people and burning of...
Unknown persons had put a packet of dynamite next to the outer wall of the the HolyVirginChurch, in al-Saff [south of Cairo] while Coptic festivities were held. Explosives experts prevented the explosion.
Security forces in Beni Suef succeeded in convening a reconciliation session between Copts and Muslims in Diābiah Village which was attended by family heads and senior figures in the village. The conflict took place in November 2013 due to a construction of a road bump and led to 16 injuries and...
Fire fighting forces controlled a fire breaking out in the prayer hall of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in al-Fashn, south of Beni Suef [Banī Suwayf], as a result of the fall of a candle in the hall.
A year passed after the events of al-Diyābiyah village in Wastá Beni Suef, in which 12 houses and shops belonging to Copts were looted and burnt and 4 Copts were injured severe injuries in their eyes.
Magdī al Batītī, Governor of Beni Suef, has inaugurated the Bayt al- ‘Ailah in the district of Biba, Beni Suef. 
Members of the Constituent Assembly Khālid Yūssuf  and Muhammad Abu al- Ghār have stated their dissatisfaction with the judicial support to the court sentence ruling to jail novelist Karam Sābir, member of the Writers' Union, for 5 years due to being convicted of contempt of religion.


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