Displaying 251 - 260 of 883.
British Prime Minister, David Cameron, stated yesterday that the U.K. intends to classify “Islamic extremism” as an ideology that is distinct from Islam as a heavenly religion. This comes in the context of the government’s response to the killing of a British soldier on the street in the U.K. (‘Abd...
The Coptic activist Majdī Khalīl, head of the Middle East Freedom Forum in Washington, USA, stated that a six-thousand-eight-hundred-kilo weapon shipment coming from Qatar arrived last Sunday, December 16, at the Red Sea port of Suez.  The shipment bill, according to Kh’Alīl was addressed to...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II addressed his flocks, yesterday, December 19, prompting them not to be afraid, “as God will protect and guard you and your families from all evil”, and urged them to keep to the commandments of the Holy Bible as they give them all things that pertain to life.  «Do...
Bishop Armiyā, former secretary to the late Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, emphasised that the Coptic Church did not encourage its members to vote in any particular way during the referendum over the Constitution, thus responding to accusations from the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) that it had asked...
‘Izbit al-Najārīn, an area belonging to the Masārrah village of Dayrūt, and home to 3,000 Copts, has been under threat from a gang led by a man named Jabrūt K ("J.K."). The gang has been threatening to kidnap villagers’ children if they do not pay ransom money. The situation began at the beginning...
On December 28, 2012, al-Hurīyah wal-‘Adālah (Freedom and Justice) Party (FJP) composed the preliminary list of candidates that will be endorsed in the coming Shūrá Council elections in all governorates.
In Tantā, on December 27, 2012, an Islamist attacked a Christian woman and beat her with a stick on her back, calling her an “infidel” for not wearing a hijāb and wearing makeup.  The victim’s name is Marsa. After Marsa finished her work in the University’s Hospital, a bearded man wearing a white...
The Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Office and the Freedom and Justice Party headquarters in al-Muqattam lifted the Emergency Law to monitor closely the referendum in ten governorates.
Independent human rights organizations, monitoring the referendum over the draft Constitution, detected several attempts of preventing Copts from voting.
 Al-Watan reported that Coptic activists complained that despite a large turnout to cast their ballots on the second phase of the Constitutional referendum, Egyptian Christians, particularly in Upper Egypt, have been prevented from reaching their polling stations. In Mahallat Dīyāy of al-Dusūq...


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