Displaying 881 - 883 of 883.
Kees, Cornelis Hulsman, a prominent Dutch reporter who has been covering Egypt's news, especially those related to the Egyptian Coptic community since 1976. Hulsman is seen in the Netherlands as one of the one of the reference figures and experts in the Egyptian affairs. Hulsman is invited to...
The U.S. Pew Research Center said that the actual population of Copts in Egypt is 4.3 million, including 140,000 Catholics and 250,000 Protestants. [Mustafá Rahūmah and Māhir Hindāwī, al-Watan, May 28, p. 1] Read original text in Arabic
Waṭanī holds a meeting to discuss issues surrounding religious conversion. Prominent human rights activists and Coptic lawyers participate, suggesting ways to regulate conversions.


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