Displaying 191 - 200 of 316.
Egyptian activist Shādi Ghazālī Harb posted a message on his twitter account saying: “Upon the request of the Iraqi Yazidi girl Nadia Murād, President Al-Sisi met her and vowed his support to all people living in Iraq . Bahā'īs and Shi'its, the minorities of Egypt, should be granted the same...
In a statement disclosed by Dr. Najīb Jibrāʾīl, the chairman of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization (EUHRO) said that the Salāfī Daʿwa leaders still issue statements that incite hatred against Copts, thus destabilizing social peace. He added that on every [Christian] religious occasion...
“In international law,” tweeted Muhammad al-Barādē`i on December 22, “the UN Security Council can turn to the International Criminal Court (ICC) the crimes of enforced disappearance even if the country [where the crime is committed] is not a party in that court.”
The terror attack on a military station in Al-`Arīsh on Thursday morning resulted in the killing of two army soldiers and two low-rank officers.
Egypt's Grand Mufti, Dr. Shawqi ʿAllām congratulated the Christian denominations inside Egypt as well as Christians worldwide on the occasion of Jesus Christ's nativity, Christmas.
With the approach of the Christmas celebrations, Egyptian churches of different denominations informed the ministry of the interior of the scheduled masses and festivities for security measures.
The Egyptian archeologist of Islamic and Coptic antiquities, Sāmeh al-Zahhār, confirmed that Egypt's celebration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (Mawlid al-Nabi) that falls on the 12th day of the third month of the Islamic calendar, Rabī` al-Awal at the same time as the celebration of the birth of...
The Muslim Brotherhood's local administration directed by its spokesman Mahmūd `Ezzat in Egypt has refused to acknowledge a decision issued by the movement's office abroad to remove him and appoint Tal`at Fahmi instead.
In a solidarity movement with the United Nations' International Day For the Elimination Of Violence Against Women in particular in Egypt and the Middle East region, a group of 15 young women stood on the steps of Cairo's Journalists’ Syndicate on Tuesday night with black make-up around their eyes,...
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) is preparing a list with the names of forced disappearance victims that so far include 101 victims reportedly arrested by security forces.


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