Displaying 21 - 30 of 316.
The Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Office and the Freedom and Justice Party headquarters in al-Muqattam lifted the Emergency Law to monitor closely the referendum in ten governorates.
Independent human rights organizations, monitoring the referendum over the draft Constitution, detected several attempts of preventing Copts from voting.
In its edition on Saturday, December 22, Al-Misrīyūn newspaper reported that Imbābah district of Giza Governorate experienced a large turnout of Christians who queued to cast their ballots on the second stage of the constitutional plebiscite. 
Amid dense security measures of police and armed forces, al-Gharbia Governorate witnessed a large turnout in several of it cities, whereas the number of voters in the village was not as large. It was reported that judges who were due to supervise the voting arrived late. Noteworthy is the large...
 Al-Watan reported that Coptic activists complained that despite a large turnout to cast their ballots on the second phase of the Constitutional referendum, Egyptian Christians, particularly in Upper Egypt, have been prevented from reaching their polling stations. In Mahallat Dīyāy of al-Dusūq...
Seventeen governorates head to polling stations Saturday, December 22 to vote on the second phase of Egypt’s draft Constitution; observers record a number of electoral violations. 
Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī, head of the Evangelical Church in Egypt, expressed his happiness over the high turnout to cast the ballots. 
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Holy See of St Mark the Apostle, cast his ballot in  al-Waylῑ polling station.
On the same context, Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd newspaper reported the Churches’- as well as The Azhar’s- dismay over Burhāmī’s statements on the position of the Azhar’s Grand Shaykh and on articles endorsed in the new Constitution.
The three major Coptic Churches of Egypt strongly condemned the statement released by the deputy leader of the SalafīDa’wah (the Salafī Call), Shaykh Yāsir Burhāmī. Speaking during a video-taped conference of scholars and Du’ā (preachers), Burhāmī praised the articles included in the new...


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