Dialogue Across Borders is a database of summary translations of Arabic newspaper articles with references to their sources about intercultural and interreligious relations, focusing primarily but not exclusively on Muslim-Christian relations. The database also contains articles with editorial analysis and interviews on the subject.
©1997- 2025 Dialogue Across Borders. All Rights Reserved. ISSN 2949‐6934, the Netherlands. Site map
Hosam Dergham (لم يتم التحقق)
أربعاء, 2011-10-05 17:44
الرابط الثابت
Also this was done before by using a simple SQL find and replace query. Something like
user_email =
Hosam Dergham (لم يتم التحقق)
أحد, 2011-10-16 17:07
الرابط الثابت
I removed<br>, and <u></u> tags, also transliteration symbols.
Could you please have another look to see if there are any other strange symbols!
I marked the status of the issue to "needs review". After your review, I will mark it as "fixed" and close it.