Date of source: الأربعاء, حزيران (يونيو) 15, 2022
The Sohag [Sūhāj] Family Court has ruled that the husband’s conversion to Islam is not sufficient cause to grant his Christian wife a divorce, refusing to apply the official statute of the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Date of source: الخميس, تموز (يوليو) 28, 2022
In his video, the Azhari shaykh Mabrūk ʿAṭiya mocked Christ saying he is not a ‘sayyid’ (venerated leader) as people refer to him.
The video was a response to journalist and TV host Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā dating back to 2016 but was re-posted recently about the values in Jesus Christ’s ‘Sermon on the Mount.’
Date of source: الخميس, تموز (يوليو) 28, 2022
Dr. Mabrūk ʿAṭiya, professor of Islamic Sharia at al-Azhar University, is again raising controversy because of his statements about Jesus Christ, which some considered as mockery of Jesus.
Date of source: الأربعاء, تموز (يوليو) 27, 2022
Mabrūk ʿAṭiyya mocked Christ saying he is not a ‘sayyid’ (venerated leader) as most people refer to him.
Date of source: الأربعاء, حزيران (يونيو) 29, 2022
Cornelis Hulsman has been invited to present a paper on disputed population data of Christians in Egypt at an international conference of the International Association of Mission Studies in Sydney, Australia, July 7-11, 2022. Estimates range between 5,09 % of population to 21,9% of population.
Date of source: الخميس, آب (اغسطس) 26, 2021
The lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl Mīkhāʾīl, a representative of the Coptic Orthodox Church has brought a lawsuit against the Ministry of Interior calling for the removal of religion from the National Identity Card.
Date of source: الأربعاء, آب (اغسطس) 25, 2021
Lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl, legal adviser to the Coptic Orthodox Church and head of the Egyptian Union Organization for Human Rights (EUOHR), filed a lawsuit on Wednesday August 25, 2021, to the Administrative Court demanding the Minister of Interior and the Civil Status Sector to remove the religion...
Date of source: الأحد, تشرين اﻷول (أكتوبر) 11, 2020
Dr. Najīb Jibrā’īl demanded from the Interior Ministry the speedy arrest of the gangs behind the Islamization of young girls, after the emergence of more than one video confirming the existence of such extremist activity.
Date of source: الاثنين, شباط (فبراير) 3, 2020
Lawyer Najīb Jibrāʾīl, president of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights organization, submitted a complaint to chancellor Ḥamāda al-Ṣāwī, the public prosecutor, accusing youths of making fun of Christianity by dressing up as monks and dancing and doing acrobatics in the monastic garbs.
Date of source: الأحد, كانون اﻷول (ديسمبر) 16, 2012
Dr. Najīb Jubrā'īl, Head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights Organization, said that the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to enforce the Church name in the current events even though the Church did not interfere in politics and did not incite Copts to do anything (referring to protests off the...