Date of source: الثلاثاء, نيسان (أبريل) 17, 2012
This is a comment on an article with a similar title published on April 13 on a blog called “Salamamoussa. Reclaiming Egypt,” named after Salāmah Mūsá (1887-1958). He was a well-known journalist, writer, and advocate of secularism and Arab socialism who was born into a wealthy, land-owning Coptic...
Date of source: الجمعة, آذار (مارس) 30, 2012
Several Coptic organizations and movements held a press conference to announce their refusal of the current constituent assembly drafting Egypt's post-revolution constitution, which Najīb Jubrā’īl, head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization, said marginalized all segments of the...
Date of source: الاثنين, آذار (مارس) 12, 2012
A state of disgruntlement was sparked among a number of Coptic Orthodox bishops who were absent from last week’s meeting at the Saint Mark Cathedral to discuss names of possible presidential hopefuls and others to represent the church in the constitutional assembly, according to a source inside the...
Date of source: السبت, شباط (فبراير) 25, 2012
On November 25, 2011, Al-Misrī al-Yawm, now called Egypt Independent, was the first publication that reported about Najīb Jubrā’īl’s “NGO report: 93,000 Copts left Egypt since March.”
Date of source: الأحد, شباط (فبراير) 19, 2012
Rānyā Khalīl Ibrāhīm, the heroine of yet another sectarian trouble sparked recently in Mīt Bashār village, Minyā al-Qamh town, al-Sharqia governorate, said that she was not kidnapped and that she left her father’s home with her own free will. [‘Ādil al-Shā’ir, al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, Feb. 19, p. 6]...
Date of source: الاثنين, شباط (فبراير) 13, 2012
Bishop Bīshūy, Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Church’s Holy Synod, called for establishing a council for Egyptian churches to be tasked with negotiating with the new regime to achieve Copts’ demands, stressing unity of Christian denominations to seek solutions for Coptic problems, including the...
Date of source: الجمعة, شباط (فبراير) 10, 2012
A coalition grouping Muslims and Christians for the first time was founded by with the aim of deepening full citizenship and freedoms of opinion and expression in accordance with the international law, the UN Charter, international human rights covenants and the Egyptian society’s norms and ethic...
Date of source: الاثنين, كانون الثاني (يناير) 30, 2012
Subhī Sālih, a member of parliament from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said there are some attempts to spark a falling out between youths in al-Tahrīr Square and parliament on one hand and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) on the other. [Fātimah ‘Abd al-...
Date of source: الأحد, كانون الثاني (يناير) 1, 2012
[This is a full transcript of an interview made on December 2, 2011]
The results of the first round of the Egyptian elections show that Islamist parties appear to have won by a landslide. The Muslim Brotherhood created the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) that has apparently received 40-45 percent...
Date of source: الجمعة, كانون اﻷول (ديسمبر) 23, 2011
Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III will lead the Christmas mass, said Bishop Marqus of Shubrā al-Khaymah, denying rumors that the church was going to cancel this year’s celebrations of the Eastern Christmas on January 7, 2012. [Ashraf Sādiq, al-Ahrām, December 23, 2011, p.10] Read the original text...