Displaying 291 - 300 of 425.
The article is a continuation in a series of articles thatdiscuss the problem of the Christian-born twins, Mario and Andrew, whose father’s conversion to Islam forced them to be registered as Muslims against their will.
Muḥammad al-Bāz discusses the Coptic unified personal status law that was prepared in 1978 but has never been certified. al-Bāz believes that the law will increase the sufferings of Copts as it will close the door to divorce and will leave Copts, who have problems in their marital lives, with only...
Another Coptic teenager disappears. Her family accused a Muslim young man of kidnapping the girl. The father said that the minutes he signed at the police station had been falsified, and that after he had signed they added his alleged acknowledgment of a love relationship between his daughter and...
Ṣalāḥ ‘Īsá discusses the phenomenon of Copts filing lawsuits against Muslim authors on charges of insulting Christianity and deeming Christians Kāfirs.
al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī accuses some Muslim and Coptic figures of escalating the crisis of the Copts.
Najīb Jabrā’īl opposes the draft unified law for the building of houses of worship and calls on all Christian denominations in Egypt to approve the law only after thorough study and ascertaining that it is consistent with their rights.
While Egyptian non-Catholic churches expressed their angry reactions to the Vatican document, Catholic figures, including the director of the Holy See’s Press Office, declared that the document was mainly to clarify Catholic doctrinal issues and was not intended to offend any church or denomination...
A Coptic gynecologist resorted to asking for help from a human rights organization to defend her right to employment. The director of the hospital gave up his hostile stance toward her and promised that the problem would soon be resolved.
Ayman ʿĀshūr concluded that everyone must respond strongly to attempts to manipulate religion in order to protect Islam and Christianity. al-Ahrām al-‘Arabī wrote about “Who is responsible for the escalation of the Copts’ crisis?” Discussions about the succession of Pope Shenouda continue.
The article discusses the triumph of a few Copts who were permitted to re-convert to Christianity, having originally converted to Islam. The author criticizes the double standard in how easy it is to embrace Islam, yet how difficult it is to embrace Christianity.


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