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The author wonders why the papers of a ’Christian’ sentenced to death are referred to the ’Muslim’ muftī and not to the church.
A Christian woman has managed to obtain a certificate of denominational change. The certificate states that the woman joined the Orthodox Church in March 12, 2006. She filed for Khul‘ before the family court, against her husband to whom she was married according to the Coptic Orthodox creed.
The article reviews the history of the crisis of Saint Antonius Monastery which began in 1992 when the Minister of Culture issued a decision ordering the erection of a wall to guarantee that the historic site be adequately protected and preserved for its numerous local and international visitors.
Two challenges were filed against the Minister of Interior and against Pope Shenouda in his capacity as the Head of the Maglis El-Milli. The two challenges regarded the elections of the Maglis El-Milli having serious legal contraventions that would lead to the invalidity of the election results.
It is forbidden to have a divorce according to the Orthodox Church. However, there are many examples of people who could get a divorce through changing their denomination from Orthodox to Protestant or any other denomination so that he she can get a divorce.
Everything is bought and sold…even the religious sects. Certificates that allow the Copts to change their church affiliation have appeared. Accordingly, marriage between the Copts has become easy.
Inside and outside the church everybody is watching. They are asking whether Pope Shenouda will give a permission for remarriage to Ghatas, as the sentence of the law stated, or he will not give it to him.
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