Displaying 2341 - 2350 of 2708.
Religious extremists started campaigning against Rose Al-Youssef because it published a series of taped interviews with them which unleashed their thoughts, methods and goals. Yasser Al-Serri felt cornered after the magazine revealed the unimportance of his role, and how flat his ideas are. Sheikh...
The Mufti of Egypt issued an official fatwa that allows the marriage of Al-Missyar*. By doing so, he contradicted the fatwa of Sheikh Gad Al-Haq Ali Gad Al-Haq, the late Sheikh of the Azhar, in which he said that Al-Missyar marriage is illegal and that it is like the mota’a marriage [for joy,...
There are many different opinions about the Islamic telephone service. The Mufti believes that taking money for giving a fatwa is illegal and dangerous that makes people turn to non-specialists. The dean of the Faculty of Shari’a is of opinion that if a certain institution asks an individual or a...
The Sheikh of the Azhar, wrote a letter to the Prime Minster which included the fatwa of the Azhar stating that it is not proper to charge fees to enter Mosques, whether those entering are Moslems or not, and whether they are Egyptians or not, and that the Prime Minister should implement this...
Although the Islamic sites on the international web are supervised by councils of sheikhs and by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, some of those who attack Islam, were able to penetrate the site of the Azhar and show an invented Qur’an. The site contains four pages. Each of which is an...
The Catholic Patriarchs of the Middle East held their tenth conference in Lebanon. The Palestinian issue and the continuation of the Intifada and means of supporting it were the main topic. The article also mentions the inter-religious dialogue committee of the Azhar which stated the Jews have no...
Conversion to Christianity within refugee camps is one of the difficulties that Moslems face. Statistics show that there are approximately 23 million Moslem refugees who have to put up with material and moral pressure. Some have actually converted from Islam, while others face missionary sessions...
This article gives an overview of the religious events that took place in Egypt since the establishment of Rose Al-Youssef 75 years ago and how Rose Al-Youssef handled those events and tried to guide people to the true religion.
S. M. Al-Homosani wrote Aqidaty he converted to Islam a year ago. When his family found out they threatened to kill him and forced him to sign a written confession that he has left Islam and returned. He asks if he is considered an apostate because he signed that confession, although deep in his...
Dr. Bayoumi says Dr. Abu Halabiya should have distinguished between Judaism and Christianity as a religion, which Islam does not oppose, and Jews attacking Muslims. Muslims, he says, should defend themselves against such attacks.


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